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Friday 2 September 2016

25 Years On, Darius Shifts Taraba Into Next Gear

No matter what the harshest critics of Governor Darius Ishaku say, one thing I noticed is, no one casts a shadow of doubt on his good intentions, and his patriotism for Taraba State. He has been slammed for his seemingly over bloated appointments and other inconsequential, mundane issues. But both praise singers and wailers alike agree with the verdict that this seasoned architect means well for the state.

His intense zest, innovative spirit and dedication is hardly questioned. No one appears to lose sight of this. And as the citizens reflect on 25 years of statehood (the year of Jubilee), one point that stands out like a volcanic eruption is the issue of performance of our governors across the years. Citizens are bound to think back to all the administrations that have come and gone in the state. How have they fared? Did they reign with the fear of God and clarity of purpose? Have they been able to translate the wishes of the masses to concrete achievements? Have they assist us to reclaim and run with the visions of our founding fathers?

The founders themselves had a simple idea of what the Taraba Dream is. They wanted a state carved out of the old Gongola State where numerous tribes and tendencies would live as one in peace and prosperity. They hoped that the state would harness its abundant human and natural resources to become one of most vibrant states on the map.

Was their labour in vain? Are they shaking their heads now in regret? Should they have bothered with the agitation for a new state? Indeed should Taraba have been created at all? To start with the last poser, yes there was the need to have Taraba. Coming from a history that consigned most of what is the state today to bondage and underdevelopment, the citizens from these parts earnestly yearned for freedom. Ravaged by domination of all kinds of higher forces in the defunct North East and Benue Plateau through to old Gongola, this swathe of arable land, abundant mineral deposits and some of the finest brains was praying  to be free from shackles. Defunct Gongola State was perhaps the most tortuous of the subjugations. Who can forget the tribulations of having to travel the long road to Yola for anything, everything?

What about the fact that civil servants were unofficially mandated to understand Fulfulde as the ultimate language of government business at the headquarters? What about skewed employment and promotion opportunities? What about the fear that Gongola was too big for equitable distribution of development? Yes, everyone wanted a ‘Taraxit’ of some sort at the time. And freedom came on the 27th day of August, 25 years ago when the then military leader, General Ibrahim Babangida created Taraba State. Since then successive regimes have worked to establish it as a viable entity within a very competitive polity. While the state isn’t competing with Lagos and Kano states for instance, it is daily pitted against states that were created at the same time. That’s reasonable as far as peer review mechanism go. Has the state been able to match its peers’ records? Or have we remained stagnant? While some feel we have advanced well, others feel we could have done better. It is a discourse that should dominate the airwaves this week. But history has been kind to Taraba.

Apart from the military aberrations at various times, three civilian governors’ names stand out in the annals of the state:  Rev. Jolly Nyame, Pharmacist Danbaba Danfulani Suntai and Arch. Darius Dickson Ishaku. Nyame, unarguably had the longest reign of the trio. And while he has his stern critics, Nyame actually did his best for the fledging state. He inherited a Taraba that saw the activities of military adventurers who really couldn’t have cared a hoot about their new posts. They ruled as conquerors and not as patriotic citizens. It was Nyame’s job therefore to institutionalise democracy in the young state. He himself needed some training in that regard but there he was, trying to chart the foundation and the fate of a people.

There is a sense in which the Nyame template (in all its good and bad effect) is still very much in use. Some of the team he assembled in those shaky years are still active players in the state’s fortune or misfortune. To Nyame’s credit goes the airport, stadium, hospitals, schools and state-owned hotels among his modest effort at early development. Nyame’s successor, Danbaba Suntai, had to battle with the long shadow of his former boss. Suntai also had to pick up bills for some of the projects Nyame ambitiously began without paying for. Suntai’s major contribution to Taraba’s chequered history is in redefining the rules of engagement. Under him, the old Nyame template got revised, effectively moving the state from a traditional one to a modern sphere. Suntai dealt a blow on mediocrity, divisive tendencies and archaic way of thinking. He built roads to connect people with opportunities. He emphasised handwork and decency as a major component of statecraft. May be Suntai would have done more were it not his near fatal crash that threw the state into turmoil.

It is however the current governor, Darius Ishaku, who appears to be well suited to transform the state in radical ways. If Nyame was an accidental governor and if Suntai was a short lived one, Darius came prepared for the job. He has been minister in three ministries. Nyame didn’t do much schooling  and Suntai was a pharmacist but Darius is a well known academic in architecture. He therefore comes to the job with sterling credentials. Besides, he comes at a challenging time when both the global and national economy are experiencing an economic melt down. Again, while both Nyame and Suntai were governors in the era of boom, Darius is the bust era governor with all its possibilities and limitations. What that means therefore is he must prioritise, cut cost, reduce unnecessary over heads and focus on areas that would get him a place in the hall of fame.

He is already doing that. With the catch phrase of rescue mission, Darius is practically breaking with the past in more profound ways. He seems to have shifted the state into a new gear of greater peace amidst turmoil and more fundamental changes in uncertain times. With paucity of funds, he has narrowed expenses, targeting the higher levers of the economy: agriculture, solid minerals, tourism. The road networks have continued. The airport which started as paper work and unfinished projects in the last regimes is now a reality. With three flights weekly, more people find the state conducive for investment. The digitisation of the media outfits in Taraba means that Darius is rolling away two decades of obsolete equipment and engrafting the state into modern times. As far as history is concerned, Taraba State couldn’t have wished for a better governor at a time like this.

And as citizens reflect in this year of jubilee, it is pertinent to note that growth is not really the work of one single individual. It is the product of collective effort. The Taraba of our founding fathers dream is still possible. It is a dream of over two million souls living on one of  the most blessed patch on the surface of earth. It is the dream of our ancestors in great ancient kingdoms bounded by even greater mountains, lakes, rivers, forests, streams and wildlife. This is greater than all of us put together living or dead. The Taraba dream is still alive and getting reborn everyday. At 25 years of age, Governor Darius Ishaku is saddled with this epochal duty to steer the ship to a shore of prosperity, peace and more progress. It is a job that must be done and can be done by all of us.

Emmanuel Bello 
a former commissioner of information, contributed this piece from Abuja.

Ishaku Attracts German Firms, Turning Taraba Into An Investment Hub

The economic downturn in Nigeria today, due to fallen oil price and restiveness in the country’s Niger Delta region, has forced many states in the country into debts, thus hindering even certain basic features of livelihood such as timely payment of salaries to workers.

The present government in Taraba State, under the able leadership of the governor, His Excellency, Arch. Darius Ishiaku, however has a lofty idea for his people. Recently, the governor embarked on a business tour of Germany aimed at meeting top level business executives, project financiers and grant donors.

For the purposes of garnering support for the education and health sectors of the State; and also wooing potential partners in agriculture, waste recycling and skill developers to enhance the development of the State and create employment opportunities for teaming youths in the State.

During the tour the governor made a presentation in the city of Postdam, before a group of German investors, where he showcased products from the newly established tea production factory, set up within one year of governor his administration.

Going by this feat in tea production, Taraba State is now the first state to ‘export’ packaged tea from Nigeria.

The investors could not hide their excitement at the end of the presentation, such that a group of five investors out of the investors present, declared their readiness to partner with the government, in revamping the comatose tomato factory in the state.

As proof of their commitment, they also expressed their willingness to build 1000 housing units and 25 containerized cottage hospitals, to improve housing and healthcare delivery in the state.

Additionally, an International Educational Consulting firm, SJJ education Support, in collaboration with Nigerian-German educational support foundation, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the governor to offer Taraba State students a tuition free opportunity to study in Germany.

By virtue of the agreement, Interested Taraba State indigenes can now study in German Universities, for either Bachelor, Master or PhD at no cost.

In an interview with AfricanQuarters, Nigerian Born investment/project facilitator to Government of Taraba State, Mr. Saturday Jackson, who facilitated the visit, he commended the governor for his foresight and zeal to leave a mark in the sands of the history of Taraba, and Nigeria at large.

He cited the waste recycling factory, which was an outcome of the tour, as having the capacity of generating thousands of jobs for unemployed youths in the state, and even beyond.

By Oruruo Samuel

6 Facts About Taraba State That You Must Know

Endowed with diverse and rich topography, featuring rising plains and hills, flowing rivers including Rivers Benue, Donga, Taraba and Ibi, and famous plateaus, Taraba tate is largely deserving of the tag “Nature’s gift to the Nation”.

Here, we give you the six fact about the wonderful state

1.Rivers Benue, Donga, Taraba and Ibi are the major rivers in the state

2.  Taraba State has 62 secondary schools, 3 teachers college, 9 vocational training centres, a state polytechnic, a college of education, college of Agriculture, a college of Health and school of nursing.

3. Taraba state has more languages than 30 African countries.

4. The Chappal Waddi mountain found in Mambilla plateau, is the highest point in Nigeria with a height of 2,419 metres

5. Taraba has the largest quantities of the following mineral deposits in Nigeria; Graphite, calcite, Barites, Quarzite, Bauxite, Kaolin, Zirco, topaz and various Gemstones.

6. Alhaji Musa Daggash, is said to be the first to have introduce the Eucalyptus tree to the Mambilla district.

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Chief David Kente Pays Courtesy Call To Aisha Alhassan In Abuja

Chief David Sabo Kente, popularly known as DSK, who is the President/Founder of DSK Foundation and also the Executive Chairman DSK Group International, was in Abuja at the Women Development Center to see Sen. Aisha Alhassan, Hon. Minister of Women Affairs and Child Development, who just returned from a medical trip abroad.

During the courtesy call, DSK, who during the 2015 governorship election in Taraba pitched his tent with Aisha, used the medium to call on all Tarabans to demonstrate the utmost tolerance towards peace by respecting and cooperating with one another regardless of tribe, political affiliations or religious background.

He continued that which such co-existence among them, the state will bounce back and kick start a monumental turn around that will position it among the top states in the future.

Finally, he prayed for God's permanent healing on the Hon. Minister.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Obasanjo On A 5 Day Working Visit In Taraba, Inspects Key Projects

The former president, Gen Olusegun Obasanjo is currently in Jalingo, Taraba state capital, since Tuesday, August 23. He paid a courtesy visit to Governor Darius Ishaku on arrival.

Obasanjo who is on a five-day working visit to inspect some of the key projects he initiated while in office particularly the Mambilla Hydro power project, said he spent most of his life trying to better the lot of humanity generally and Nigeria specifically.

Speaking on the on-going projects in the state, Obasanjo said: “Taraba state is a blessing to Nigeria. The potentials in the state can turn the fortunes of the country for good. The Mambila Hydro Power project alone has the capacity to generate more than half of our present power capacity in the country. “The livestock potential in the state spans all known livestock in the country including cattle rearing and poultry all in commercial quantities. 

The tea factory is a symbol of national greatness, while the tourism potentials can attract global tourists and earn the nation good foreign exchange “Since I have spent most of my life doing good for humanity and Nigeria, I am motivated to do even more now that I am approaching my evening. I will therefore do everything to ensure that the potentials in Taraba generally and the Mambila Plateau specifically are optimally explored to make the nation great.”

Sunday 21 August 2016

Taraba Begins Airlift Of 1,324 Pilgrims To S/ Arabia

The Taraba State Muslim Welfare Board has said that a  total of 1, 323 pilgrims are lifted from the state  to perform this year 2016 lesser hajj in Saudi Arabia.

The executive secretary of the board, Alhaji Umar Adamu  stated yesterday in Jalingo while addressing intending pilgrims from the state.

He stressed that out of the total number of 1323 intending pilgrims, the state government sponsored 167 persons.

He informed that Taraba State Muslim pilgrims welfare board has remitted the sum of N1,114,862,859.56 to the national hajj commission as part of  its pilgrims hajj fares.

He explained that N31, 649, 005 were also paid to Ja’iz Bank as “HADAYA” of pilgrims which is a policy by the NAHCON to join other countries of the world.

He warned the intending pilgrims to avoid carrying any contraband goods or substance into the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

“As we all know, the Saudi authority  have banned kola-nut, amulets, champs, political posters and banners as well as drugs and sharp objects” he said.

He called on the intending pilgrims to exhibit a sense of maturity during their stay in Saudi Arabia.

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