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Showing posts with label projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label projects. Show all posts

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Darius Revives Moribund Industries In Taraba: Viva Feeds Mills, Mambilla Beverages Company, Other

True to his word to rescue every aspect of Taraba State and making it the darling of North East Nigeria, governor Ishaku has commenced a radical restoration of moribund industries in the state.

The Governor has improved the Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) of the state by curbing illegal logging and boosting the economic activities on the Mambilla Plateau with the rejuvenation of Mambilla Beverages Production Company.

His Excellency revived the Taraba Highland Tea Commission by removing all the obsolete machines and replacing them with brand new machines which are operating optimally.

With this, people living in Kakara tea village now have automatic employment in various capacities.

Also, Viva feeds Mills in Zing local government area, which started 27 years ago and abandoned was completed and commissioned by Gov. Ishaku, to create jobs for youth and help people who wish to go into poultry farming become self-employed.

The Company at present is capable of producing 240 bags per hour and about 1800 bags in ten hours, with about five different brands of feeds all the products have been certified safe by NAFDAC.

See more images below...

Viva Feed Mills

Digitalization Of Taraba TV: Breathtaking Achievement Of Gov Darius (SEE PHOTOS)

From the Facebook of Taraba TV, the management team took an assessment of the station, showcasing the turn around witnessed so far under the administration of Governor Darius Ishaku.

It was tagged; '30 Days of Showcasing the Achievements of Taraba News Man of the Year 2016 Arc. Darius Dickson Ishaku, the Executive Governor of Taraba State'.

According to the statement from the page; "TTV has been digitized, through the efforts of the state Governor, Darius Dickson Ishaku. This is even coming ahead of the digitization dateline.

"Before now, most of the equipment of the Corporation were outdated and obsolete, and at the brink of being discarded but for the timely intervention of the rescue mission of the Governor, which was extended to the Corporation"

"Successive governments in the past have made efforts to uplift the standard of the station but normally ends up in futility. Kudos must therefore be given to the present state leadership under Governor Darius Dickson Ishaku".

"The digitization of Taraba Television Corporation, Jalingo has placed it in the map of digital broadcast industry, which would help to project Government’s laudable programmes and policies to the outside word. Other projects executed at TTV are . Construction of New Studios at TTV permanent site."

See more images after the cut...

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Gov Ishiaku Round Off Polio Outbreak Response Campaign

The Taraba government on Friday rounded off the polio outbreak response campaign with five successful rounds of immunisation for under-five children.

Gov. Darius Ishaku, who inaugurated the final round at Lankaviri near Jalingo, expressed satisfaction that the last four rounds of the exercise recorded 100 per cent success in the 168 council wards of the state.

The governor said the campaign was imperative given the nearness of Borno which recorded new cases of wild polio virus recently.

He called on all to encourage women and children to take advantage of the services offered during the immunisation as well as the maternal and child health week to achieve the intended purpose of the programmes.

In his address, the Commissioner for Health in the state, Dr Innocent Vakkai, thanked Ishaku for his continuous support which had been the bedrock of the success the ministry recorded so far.
Vakkai said the ministry had immunised 953,564 children in the fourth round with the support of World Health Organisation, UNICEF and other partners.

He said that the fifth round would involve deworming of children under five, provision of Vitamin A, anti-malaria drugs, iron tablets for pregnant women and free HIV counselling and testing, among others.

Vakkai called on the people to take advantage of the opportunity and come out en-masse to participate in the week-long programme.

He appealed to stakeholders to continue to create awareness about immunisation services and other maternal and child health programmes to reduce the risks facing children in the state.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

How Lasting Peace Returned To Taraba – Gov Ishaku

Darius Ishaku, an architect is the governor of Taraba State. He has not allowed the tortuous journey to the Government House to weigh him down. Having inherited a thoroughly balkanised state, Ishaku said his preoccupation is to unite every section of the state through the ‘Rescue Taraba Project’.

In this interview, he speaks on peace initiative in the state, plans to privatise government investments, the ambitious Mambilla hydropower project and opposition politics in Nigeria among other issues. Excerpts:

How far have you gone in implementing your rescue agenda?

The rescue agenda is on course and we thank God for the opportunity to serve our people. We came up with what I called the Green Book which stipulates the rescue agenda we have. The agenda is to attack all areas of the state. However, because of the lack of resources, we had to prioritise so that we can concentrate on certain areas of health, agriculture and education. We hope to work on these areas for two years before shifting to other areas depending on the resources available. However, that does not mean that we cannot intercede in other areas needing quick attention such as infrastructure, roads, water. We will attack these areas depending on the seriousness of the need. But we have started in the area of health because our health system has seriously decayed. I did not meet any functional hospital except the Specialist Hospital in Jalingo. That specialist hospital didn’t even have equipment to diagnose and treat people. Fortunately, we made it functional. But in other parts of the state, there is no functional hospital.

So, once somebody is sick even for a simple ailment, they have to rush him to Jalingo and I think that is a very bad situation. I decided to take one hospital per zone; one in Wukari, one in Gembu and the Bambu hospital; which is one of the oldest hospitals in the state. They are all located in the three senatorial districts and we are hoping that by December, work will start on them. By the grace of God, we got two containers of medical supply given to us free from abroad which we had to clear and pay the customs duties. In agriculture, we have not made much impact, but we are winning in some areas. One of the areas where we have made some level of impact is revitalization of the tea and the tea factory is running 24 hours right now because we had a small mini dam which was constructed with the help of the United Nations in collaboration with the state government. That dam is working providing 24 hours services.

We refurbished the old tea factory, removed the obsolete machines and replaced them with brand new ones and right now, it is working very well. That has made the people in Kakara village and the surrounding villages busy, providing the tea which hitherto was not in use before now, sell it to the factory and go there every week to collect their payment. That tea is said to be the second best in the world.

Areas of comparative advantage in Taraba

Taraba is blessed. In agriculture, I can boast of feeding the whole country with rice. We have a very huge rice project in Gashok. As I am talking to you right now, we would have been eating that rice, but for the problem we had with the investor and his American partner. The foreign partner moved out and has refused to come back despite my intervention and the Nigerian investor is looking for another partner to join hands and continue the project. That is a very huge rice farm lying in the Benue valley. We are working very hard and I am sure that before the end of this year, we should be able to resolve all the obstacles in that area. Taraba can also comfortably supply the whole country with sugar. We are working assiduously on that and have given a company about 10,000 hectare of land, but we are yet to agree on the modalities because the perception of the company is different from our thinking. They want 100 per cent mechanized farming with no benefit for our people, but I disagree completely with that.

That has stalled the whole project for about nine months now. But we are getting to the end of the disagreement and they have calmed down and we think that should take off before the end of December. But the problem with sugar is that it takes three years to plant and get matured before you have enough to feed the plant. But we are going on with that. Corn is another area where we have an advantage; if you go to areas like Baisa, you will plant corn for about four times a year and they don’t even need fertilizers there. That is the one we are exploiting now to bring in investors. All these are giant farms with multinationals that are coming. I am hoping that by next year, we should be able to produce things like corn and rice and selling them. Sugar may be a little bit delayed. The other front which we will aggressively pursue by next year is coffee. In Taraba State, we have the monopoly of tea and coffee because they are some of the plants that can only be grown on the highland. I want to pursue coffee aggressively and I hope to be in Kenya by the end of November because I understand that they have a very good model. I want to go and copy their model. In October, I was in India and went to virtually all the tea farms in India to see what they are doing correctly that we are not doing. Right now, four of our boys are in India, being trained. We want to pursue aggressive nursery for the tea. For coffee, we want to learn the model and from what I have read and heard, the Kenyan and Ethiopian model seems to be best suitable for our climate.

The other huge potential we have now is that we can easily boast that over 70 per cent of the beef you eat in this country comes from Taraba State and we want to better it. We have gotten a German firm that is interested in processing the beef. We want them to come and set up the farm where they will grow the cattle from where they will get milk and beef and turn the waste to electricity. Without electricity, everything I am saying will not be possible. The tea factory is successful because they have electricity.

The money they were using for fuel is exactly the profit they were making. That model seems to catch my fancy because the waste is used to produce electricity which in turn is used to milk the cow and bag the milk and put the beef in freezers. So, it will be like a circle of production. Three months ago, they came around to see the place; they have gone back and we hope they will soon return. We also grow cocoa in my state. I have also set up a kind of marketing board that will buy up all the excess, store it and sell at reduced price and if possible, sell them outside and get more money to help our farmers.

Source of funding  for the projects

In fact, people have asked me this same question over and over again; where do you get the resources to do even what you have done in one year? I do very simple planning and allotment of resources. We have very lean resources and what that means is that we must manage it well. When I became governor, I discovered that we had a lot of leakages, particularly in salaries. One person could be collecting about 40 people’s salaries. We have been able to reduce these leakages substantially.

I wish I could eliminate it completely. That has helped me with free money that I am now investing in infrastructure and other areas. The other thing is I do not believe that government has any business in business because all the companies set up by the state government in the past have all gone under; including the tea factory that I talked about. It is my intention to privatize most of it since it is working well now so that the private sector can take over the place while we use the funds we have for other things. What we are doing right now is attracting investors from the private sector as many as possible. Maybe the state government will hold about 20 per cent shares.

My major concern is that I do not want 100 per cent mechanized farming or 100 per cent mechanized industrial set up, but a set up that has a trickle-down effect that the people living around the area can have input and benefit from whatever establishment that is located there. I feel that if the ordinary man is benefiting, the purpose would have been achieved. Every week, the people living there go to the company to collect their money for the tea leaves they have supplied. They pluck these leaves every day and take it to the factory. With the light there, they are able to rear chicken which is an added source of income for them. This is the kind of effect I want for my people and that is why I want to attract private investors because I believe they are the key people to turn this country and Taraba State around for good, for the benefit of all of us.

On peace initiative 

I inherited a state with crisis in different facets. There was war virtually everywhere. There was inter-tribal war, religious war, those based on sentiments and political crisis. I had to initiate policies that will bring about peace. What I did was to reach out to all the different people. I reached out to the traditional leaders, visited stakeholders, community leaders, talked to political leaders and became aggressive in the preaching of peace. I even gave some examples of what peace will bring for us and what lack of it has denied us. I reached out to the religious leaders and thank God that they all keyed in and reached out aggressively and helped me greatly in preaching the message of peace to the people.

Aside that, I did not sit down but try to make sure that the law enforcement agencies are up to the task; we made sure that anywhere we found breakdown of law and order, we take a decisive action against those involved. By the grace of God, we started eliminating them gradually and today, I can tell you that we have relative calm in the state and peace has returned to the state and development is beginning to spring up. What I told them earlier when I came on board which was ‘give me peace and I will give you development’, is beginning to manifest. Somebody who has no light in his home before, now has 24 hours light, somebody who has no means of livelihood could go to a factory and be depositing his tea leaves and at the end, get some money; somebody who has no road before to his village now has one.

The road that used to take about 45 minutes or more now takes you about five minutes. So people are becoming excited and know that peace is indeed golden and lack of it is evil. This has worked and I thank God for this; we are still working hard because we have not reached the apex yet. We are also trying to aggressively pursue enhancement. We have gone to the wards; picked some people that we are training on simple things which people neglected in the past. For example, there is a kind of cloth that our people used to weave with pure cotton. It was a tradition that was passed down from generations, but virtually forgotten. We are gradually reviving it and people are becoming excited because they were buying the fake ones before. The women and children are now engaged in it. We are also training tailors, soldiers and also manufacturing simple machines that are already available and are being distributed for drying fish and you can see the happiness in people. I can tell you that a lot of things are helping us in that regard. I must tell you that I inherited a very poor civil service in the state. We are completely reorganizing it and retraining them because they are the engine room of governance.

But what I inherited was terribly poor. One thing I discovered is that a lot of people believe that they are engaged in government to collect salaries and not to work. So, if you ask me of percentage, I will tell you that less than 10 per cent of people in my civil service believe that they are there to be productive while the rest believe that there are there to earn the bonus that the government will give. I am trying to retrain and refocus their mind-set that they are here not only to collect free bonus, but to work and produce for government. We are achieving some results. Those who are dead woods, we have to do away with them because we don’t need dead woods if you are trying to achieve results.

Mambilla hydropower project and expectations

Mambilla hydropower project is going to be the biggest power project in Africa and not just in Nigeria because it is going to have 3050 megawatts which is more than the power we are generating now. So, we are going to almost double the power that Nigeria is producing now. It is going to take between five to seven years to complete. I am happy that Mr. President has taken the bold step of awarding this contract and I am working assiduously to clear the encumbrances; which is the act of getting to the site. As I speak to you now, the Federal Government has done nothing in terms of remuneration and compensation for the people and getting the site cleared of encumbrances. Right now, I can’t take you to the site of the project because the access is not there.

There is no road to where the dam will be built. People are still living in the valley of the dam as we speak. There is a Bible College right where the dam is going to be built. Will you just come and start the dam and clear the people? The people must be sensitized and made aware of what is coming. I am going to resettle 150,000 people in five different local government areas. The area of this dam is bigger than the area of Lagos State. When people talk about the dam, they talk as if you will just drive there and start work. It is not done like that. Processes of compensation take a long time, the same thing with sensitization.

As at the moment, the Federal Government has not done anything. We have held meetings with the Minister and up till now, I have not seen any result and this will take us about one year. So, if you say the project will take seven years of construction and for one year nothing has been done especially in trying to get to the site, it means a lot still needs to be done. I am happy with the project and we will do everything possible to make sure the project is realized to the benefit of the country in general and Taraba State in particular. But a lot needs to be done in terms of moving to site because there is no accessibility to that site. So many things that need to be in place before the contractor can move to site have not been done. As I speak with you now, the road to Gembu is virtually cut off at Likitaba and it is a federal road. The Federal Government is telling us not to intervene in their road. So, the people who want to build dam can’t even go on the existing road. I am going to see one of the contractors to go and rescue that road because if I don’t rescue that road, our people will be completely cut off. We have reported this to them, but they have not come.

Due to this talk about the Mambilla project and opening up Taraba State, the first thing I did when I came on board was to open the Taraba airport. Before, you cannot access Jalingo by air, but right now, you have Overland on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and we are hoping that by December, it will be a daily flight. All the engineers and contractors that will come to the state should have easy access. It is one hour flight from Abuja to Jalingo and it takes you six hours from Jalingo to go up the mountain. The airport is supposed to be a cargo airport and so, we are looking at expanding it so that from there, we can export agricultural produce. If I package beef, it needs to be in the market immediately; the same applies to fruits and other agricultural produce. So, the first step to opening up the state was to reopen the airport which is working now. These are the things I did to unlock the state, otherwise, we are stuck in a corner of the country. In terms of travelling by road, it takes you between nine to 10 hours from Abuja to Jalingo depending on how many road blocks you have on the way.

Opposition in Taraba

We have opposition in the state; but if you ask me I will say they are bad opposition. They are not opposition that criticise based on facts or based on showing government better ways of doing things. They are opposition for the mere fact that they want to smear the names of people and insult people for the sake of it. Most of the time, I don’t bother to listen to them. For example, the APC chairman once came out criticising government because of somebody who was removed from office, saying the man was removed for voting APC. How would the Head of Service know who voted for which party? This was a corrupt school principal, who was found guilty by a panel that recommended his dismissal, but the Head of Service pleaded that he be demoted instead and he was demoted and sent to a smaller school.

They just went on air without verifying anything. These are the kind of opposition we have in the state. Somebody will just wake up, go to the press and start insulting the governor without having basis for that. I wish the opposition will come and ask, why are you constructing road from A to B and what purpose will it serve? When I came in, there was no water and people were going from one place to the other with buckets on their head looking for water. If you go to Jalingo now, we have more than seven tanks and we are doing one of the biggest water projects and even the blind man can see that tanks are being built. If you want to criticise, do that based on facts. Constructive criticism means that you have a better solution to what is being done. But I do not have constructive criticism from the opposition.

I will say that we have a lot to learn about politics in this country. Imagine, when they declared Donald Trump as winner of the US elections, Hilary Clinton who we all thought was on the popularity list congratulated the winner and said she was ready to work with the winner. What happened in my case in Taraba? I was taken to all the courts in the land and given the most ridiculous judgement you can think of until we got to the Supreme Court. Thank God there are still people that fear God; otherwise, the state would have lost hundreds of lives. That is to tell you the kind of politics we play in this country. I won a clear election in the first instance and they said no, there should be a rerun, cancelling all the polling units where I won. Despite that, I won more votes in the rerun than in the first election because my people were very angry.

Crisis in the PDP

The crisis in PDP is sponsored from outside; but we are working hard to make sure we end the crisis. Prominent Nigerians have approached us that we have to solve this problem in the PDP because you need a vibrant opposition in any democracy; a democracy that does not have a strong opposition is running for tyranny and dictatorship. Whether you believe it or not, we have Presidents in Africa that stayed in office for 40-50 years because of no vibrant opposition. You must, as a necessity have a vibrant opposition. We copied the American constitution, but left out the vital parts. As a governor, the police are not under me. That doesn’t make sense. In the US, they have the federal, state and local police. If we want to copy, we should have copied everything. If I had my own police, I would have gotten that peace in the state far earlier than now.

On restructuring

A lot of people are talking about restructuring; we will get there, but first, you have to have vibrant parties; the restructuring should start from the political parties. By the time you have a governorship candidate, you should ensure that he is the best candidate so that the people going for the final selection process should be the best to rule that state and the country and any of them should be the best to rule. So, it is not only the country that should be restructured. The parties also should be restructured because if they have the system already in place, it will help the country to come out with better people. Nigeria is blessed with intelligent people, but getting there is like passing through the eye of the needle.

So, the good people don’t want to bother themselves because they know they won’t get there. We need to change the system and put in place a system that will better serve us. But unfortunately, we are not doing that. I want to assure you that the problem in the PDP will soon be a thing of the past. I also assure you that the PDP as it is now will not be the PDP that it used to be because the PDP has learnt its lesson of putting round pegs in square holes and putting square pegs in round holes. The PDP has suffered and the PDP that will evolve will be a better PDP and a party prone to serve the country.

Friday 28 October 2016

Kashimbila Dam: Mr. Fashola, Minister Of Power,Works, and Housing Inspects Project

Minister of Power, Works, and Housing, Mr. Babatunde Fashola SAN, Thursday visited the Kashimbila Multipurpose Dam Project in Taraba State assuring that when completed, the Dam would serve the multiple purpose of protecting parts of the country from a predicted ecological disaster, provide electricity and support agricultural ventures in surrounding States of the Northeast.

Fielding questions from NTA newsmen after the inspection, Fashola, who said the project was conceived about 2007, pointed out that the purpose was a proactive step by Nigeria to prevent an ecological disaster that Science predicted would happen in future when the structurally weak volcanic Lake Nyos inevitably collapses, which would likely affect six states in the country.

The Minister, who named the states to include Taraba, Benue, Cross River, Delta and Kogi on the route of the tributaries of the Katsina-Ala River, added that the project was also conceived to provide electricity and support agricultural ventures in the surrounding communities.

He told the newsmen, “Nigeria has decided since 2007 or thereabouts to intervene and prevent the disaster by building a dam and from the dam you have water which is a force of energy, we decided to build a 40 MW plant to generate electricity to feed communities like Doga, Wukari, Takum, Kashimbila and many other communities in the Northeast and Yandev in Benue State who are not yet connected to the Grid”.

According to him, what the communities have presently is a 33KV line that transmits energy across 80, 90 to 100 and above kilometers adding that by the time the energy ultimately gets to the communities, it is not effective resulting in what is often referred to as “low current.”

Assuring that the project would solve all of the problems, Fashola, however, regretted that the contracting firm has not been paid for about two or three years adding that the project had just been put into the budget. He added, “We have approved payment for the contractor and I have now come to see what we are paying for to ensure that the project is delivered”.

“This project has three phases and three objectives to accomplish. First to prevent an ecological disaster that science predicts will happen and secondly from there provide electricity and support agriculture. This is the Kashimbila 40MW Multipurpose Dam for electricity and irrigation. But as I’ve said it was an ecological necessity”, the Minister said.

Emphasizing the benefits of the project to agricultural ventures in the host state and beyond, Fashola, who described Kashimbila  as one of the most beautiful parts of  Nigeria, added, “I have just come from Ecuador which is about 2,800 meters above sea level. I think this is about 500 to 800 meters in altitude. What you have here are mountains, rivers, and a very rich resource agro-base”.

The Minister, particularly, noted that the water supply embedded in the Dam could also be distributed far beyond the host community, Tagun, adding that government had opened discussions with the contractors on how the water catchment could be expanded beyond Tagun to serve most of Taraba and parts of the Northeast.

Thursday 29 September 2016

Gov Ishiaku Partners UNICEF To Re-position Primary Health Care In Taraba State

To overcome the various health challenges presently confronting Taraba state, the state government under the leadership of governor Darius Dickson Ishaku, has agreed to collaborate with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to reposition the Primary Health Care Under One Roof.

In doing this, the state government has been urged to make available to all the 171 wards situated in the entire local government councils of the state a twenty-four hours functional Primary Health Care services so as to halt people especially women from dying while giving birth.

Speaking yesterday at a stakeholders engagement meeting on the reposition of Primary Health Care Under One Roof (PHCUOR) and Adoption of Minimum Service Package (MSP), which took place in Mambilla Plateau of Sardauna council, the Chief of Field Office, UNICEF Nigeria, Bauchi Field Office, Dr. Abdullahi Kaikai, reiterated the readiness of the organization to continue to give the much needed support to the state government.

Overwhelmed by the establishment of a functional governing board for the Primary Heath Care Development Agency, by the state government, the government as suggested by him should endeavor to go extra legitimate miles in reducing deaths among pregnant women and the newborns.

Aligning his wight to that of the UNICEF, the Executive Secretary of the Agency, Aminu Jauro Hassan, who took time to enumerated the massive achievements of the Agency, wants the government to as a matter of urgency fashion out mechanisms ” that ensure accountability.”

Also drumming that the release of the Agency’s take off grant be “expedited”

the need to as well bridge the wide gap confronting the Hard-To-Reach (HRH), he said must as well be addressed, stating that “HRH gaps must be filled especially at the managerial and decision making level.

Earlier, the Governing Board chairman of the Agency, Victor Balance Kona, who expressed dismay at the state of the health facilities, said the board has resolved to turn around the ill stories of the health sector to positive ones.

According to him ” many health facilities suffer from inadequate/lack of supply of water and electricity, obsolete equipment in health facilities, inadequate drug supply, irregular and inadequate staff remuneration”

Other major barriers identified by him as major hindrances, which according to him have began to receive the attention of the state governor, Arc. Darius Dickson Ishaku, are ” low staff morale and attitude, administrative bottlenecks, poor access roads” to mention just a few.

The state, as opined by him ” cannot continue like this, else our children and those children unborn will have no future” adding that ” we will be a waste land of disabilities and liabilities.”

Lauding the efforts of the UNICEF which he said has ” given breathe and blood to the health system in Taraba state” the board members as well as the directors of PHC at the council levels including the leadership of the state, as made known by him, will reciprocate by carving out “an accountability framework that will make us more responsible, to give breathe to our health system and hope to our land.”

The three day workshop which was organized by the Agency for stakeholders in the entire sixteen local government councils of the state and funded by the UNICEF, as observed by Tarabasquare, heralded the presence of the who is who in the health sector to the Mambilla Plateau.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Darius Moves Taraba Television From Analogue To Digital, To Beat 2017 Digitlization Deadline

Digitalization of Taraba state Television (TTV) according to the state governor, Arc. Darius Dickson Ishaku, will be completed before June 2017 to beat the deadline for the switch-over from analogue to digital.

The governor who made this known through his Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Sylvanus Y. Giwa during an interactive session with Naija247 News in Jalingo the state capital,said the state government has signed the contract for the full digitization of the state television with Pinnacle Communication Limited in December 2015 to ensure that the deadline of June 2017 was met.

He added that because of the government’s commitment to the project, the governor immediately mobilized the contractor to site, adding that the project has attained 90 per cent completion.

The governor lauded the efforts of Pinnacle Communications Limited for delivering a quality job within a shortest period.

He explained that a digitalized television and radio for the state would go a long way in not only improving quality programming but also create employment for the teeming youths that went through many forms of computer training.

According to him, government would employ at least 100 new staff after the exercise to man the new facility, while a comprehensive staff quarters would be constructed at the permanent site to ease staff accommodation problem. A staff bus is also to be provided to address staff transportation issues.

While giving update on the projects, the Executive Director, Pinnacle Communications, Mr. Dipo Onifade who conducted Journalists round the project at the Taraba Television permanent site in Mallum said Pinnacle Communications, a leading communication firm in Nigeria, was committed to providing quality services to the state television.

He disclosed that already the virtual/digital studios have been completed to meet international standards while cameras have already been mounted, adding that all other accompanying equipment have been fully supplied and installed and now ready for the full take-off of the station.

According to the Executive Director, Pinnacle Communications was handling similar digitalization of broadcast media houses in several states across country.

Naija27 News, observed that residents of Jalingo and environs were already enjoying quality signals from Taraba Television ahead of the full take-off, while the office complex was wearing a new look.

The work on the digitalization of Taraba Television, according to a cross section of residents of Jalingo, the state capital, was one of the major achievements of Governor Ishaku’s administration.

Mr. Joel Shawulu, a media expert, commended the Governor for embarking on the digitalization exercise on time with a view of meeting the June, 2017 National Broadcasting Communication’s deadline for full switchover from analogue to digital of all broadcast media organizations in Nigeria.

He said he had no doubt that Pinnacle Communications would deliver a good job to the state government considering her track record in the communication industry in Nigeria.

Similarly, Alhaji Suleiman Yusuf, a political analyst described the timely completion of the digitization exercise of the state television by the company as a display of competence and commitment to hard work.

Pinnacle Communications Ltd, was recently endorsed as the sole signal distributors by the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) after withdrawing its N1.2 trillion suit against the federal government for alleged breach of contractual agreement.

The Director General, NBC, Mr. Modibbo Kawu, it would be recall that immediately after a meeting with the Directors of Pinnacle Communications led by the chairman, Chief Lucky Omoluwa in Abuja last week announced that Pinnacle Communications Limited remains the sole signal distributors for the June 2017 switch-over project of Nigeria from analogue to digital viewing.

According to the NBC boss, “I am happy to report that we have reached substantial agreement in the interest of Nigeria’s DSO Pinnacle Communications Limited is fully back into the process.

Similarly, we have also taken a decision that Pinnacle Communications would serve as the signal distributors for the next phase for which we have tentatively chosen the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja” he said.

Meanwhile, Chief Lucky Omoluwa, chairman, Pinnacle Communications told journalists in Abuja last week that the company’s foreign partners, Jampro Antennas and Gates Air, manufactures of broadcast equipment were ready to commence operation.

According to him “We have held meeting with the NBC and we met the minister of Information with our foreign partners who are familiar with the terrain and we equally have infrastructures in the 36 states of the federation and will commence operations soon.”

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Taraba To Become Highest Producer Of Fresh Tomatoes, Tea In 2017 - Gov. Ishaku

In view of the economic recession, Darius Ishaku, the Governor of Taraba state has said that his state will begin to produce tomatoes, rice and tea production come January, 2017.

This is in view of President Muhammadu Buhari-led Administration’s course to diversify the economy.

The Governor noted that Taraba state is known for agriculture, mining and tourism.

Ishaku said: “Our problem is finance but we are doing our best in spite of the financial crunch and very soon we will start to get one or two of the plants or industries that were otherwise closed down, vandalized and looted completely.

“Already, we have started the green house project which Israel is are building for us and we are going to be bringing in tomatoes here.

“By January, you will see fresh tomatoes made in Taraba. Taraba rice is working but we are working on a bigger one, We are working on other fields as the corn and we are working and making sure that we have a lot of plantation. Of course, the Highland tea.

“I have just come from India, Dazley, where they are planting tea. We should be able to work on the tea so that the whole Island will be filled with tea. Our tea is registered as the second best in the world after Sri Lanka,” he added.

Meanwhile, the governor said the 3050 WM Mambilla power project would soon come on stream. 40 Chinese engineers visited the site located at Gembu accompanied by officials from the Federal Ministry Power, Works. He said:

“By the grace of God it will soon start. We are working hard toward its commencement and that will add 3050 megawatts to the grid and help the country in power requirements. It is one of the things that we will have to work seriously to make sure that the power shortage is stopped in the country,” he added.

Culled from the whistleng

Saturday 3 September 2016

Mambilla 3,050-MW Hydro Project In Taraba Threatened By Landslide

A landslide has damaged the road leading to the 3,050-MW Mambilla hydro project site and may hinder progress on the facility, news agencies are reporting.

Other access roads are reported to be accessible only using bicycles, and it is reported that the rivers have no functional bridges.

Investigations into this project, in Kashimbila, Taraba State, began in 1982. A $3.2 billion contract was awarded in May 2007 to China Gezhouba Group Company Limited and Sinohydro.

Reports indicate 70% of the total project cost – now estimated at $6 billion – will be paid by Chinese firms and 30% by the government of Nigeria.

Mambilla is one of four projects the country’s Minister of Power, Works and Housing said the country will work to expedite because “hydroelectricity would help replace the country’s diesel generating fleet, which has proven vulnerable as fuel supply lines have fallen victim to theft.” The other three projects were 700-MW Zungeru, 250-MW Gurara and 35-MW Dadin Kowa.

The Mambilla Plateau is the highest plateau in Nigeria, at an average elevation of 5,249 feet above sea level. More than 50,000 people live on this plateau.

Friday 2 September 2016

Ishaku Attracts German Firms, Turning Taraba Into An Investment Hub

The economic downturn in Nigeria today, due to fallen oil price and restiveness in the country’s Niger Delta region, has forced many states in the country into debts, thus hindering even certain basic features of livelihood such as timely payment of salaries to workers.

The present government in Taraba State, under the able leadership of the governor, His Excellency, Arch. Darius Ishiaku, however has a lofty idea for his people. Recently, the governor embarked on a business tour of Germany aimed at meeting top level business executives, project financiers and grant donors.

For the purposes of garnering support for the education and health sectors of the State; and also wooing potential partners in agriculture, waste recycling and skill developers to enhance the development of the State and create employment opportunities for teaming youths in the State.

During the tour the governor made a presentation in the city of Postdam, before a group of German investors, where he showcased products from the newly established tea production factory, set up within one year of governor his administration.

Going by this feat in tea production, Taraba State is now the first state to ‘export’ packaged tea from Nigeria.

The investors could not hide their excitement at the end of the presentation, such that a group of five investors out of the investors present, declared their readiness to partner with the government, in revamping the comatose tomato factory in the state.

As proof of their commitment, they also expressed their willingness to build 1000 housing units and 25 containerized cottage hospitals, to improve housing and healthcare delivery in the state.

Additionally, an International Educational Consulting firm, SJJ education Support, in collaboration with Nigerian-German educational support foundation, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the governor to offer Taraba State students a tuition free opportunity to study in Germany.

By virtue of the agreement, Interested Taraba State indigenes can now study in German Universities, for either Bachelor, Master or PhD at no cost.

In an interview with AfricanQuarters, Nigerian Born investment/project facilitator to Government of Taraba State, Mr. Saturday Jackson, who facilitated the visit, he commended the governor for his foresight and zeal to leave a mark in the sands of the history of Taraba, and Nigeria at large.

He cited the waste recycling factory, which was an outcome of the tour, as having the capacity of generating thousands of jobs for unemployed youths in the state, and even beyond.

By Oruruo Samuel

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Obasanjo On A 5 Day Working Visit In Taraba, Inspects Key Projects

The former president, Gen Olusegun Obasanjo is currently in Jalingo, Taraba state capital, since Tuesday, August 23. He paid a courtesy visit to Governor Darius Ishaku on arrival.

Obasanjo who is on a five-day working visit to inspect some of the key projects he initiated while in office particularly the Mambilla Hydro power project, said he spent most of his life trying to better the lot of humanity generally and Nigeria specifically.

Speaking on the on-going projects in the state, Obasanjo said: “Taraba state is a blessing to Nigeria. The potentials in the state can turn the fortunes of the country for good. The Mambila Hydro Power project alone has the capacity to generate more than half of our present power capacity in the country. “The livestock potential in the state spans all known livestock in the country including cattle rearing and poultry all in commercial quantities. 

The tea factory is a symbol of national greatness, while the tourism potentials can attract global tourists and earn the nation good foreign exchange “Since I have spent most of my life doing good for humanity and Nigeria, I am motivated to do even more now that I am approaching my evening. I will therefore do everything to ensure that the potentials in Taraba generally and the Mambila Plateau specifically are optimally explored to make the nation great.”

Saturday 6 August 2016

Darius Warns Against Encroachment Into Mambilla Hydro Power Project Land

Governor Darius Ishaku of Taraba State on Friday warned the people of Sardauna Local Government Council of the state against encroachment into the land earmarked for Mambilla Hydro Power Project.

This is contained in a press statement signed by the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor, Alhaji Hassan Mijinyawa in Jalingo.

The statement quoted Ishaku as saying that government had revoked all the previous sales and acquisition of land in the area, stressing that the project was so dear to government and people of the state and could not be toyed with.

He said that some individuals, community leaders and elites on the Mambilla plateau had started selling the land to land speculators trooping in from other parts of the country.

According to him, Government will not fold its arms and watch land speculators hold the Manbilla Hydro Power project to ransom.

“The state government is prepared to create an enabling environment and give necessary support to the Federal Government to ensure the success of the project”, he said.

The governor directed the chairman of Sarduana Local Government, Alhaji Mohammed Tepsi and the Chief of Mambilla, Alhaji Shehu Baju to ensure compliance with the directives. (NAN)

Wednesday 27 July 2016

NITDA’s Taraba Smart City Project Gets World Recognition

Head, e-Government, National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), Bernard Ewah (left); Director of IoT Smart City Strategy and Market Development for Intel Corporation, Susan Tauzer and Chief Technology Officer and Co-founder of US Ignite, Dr. Glenn Ricart, during a cheque presentation to Jalingo Internet of Things (IoT)-based Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Tracking and Monitoring project at the Global City Team Challenge Expo in Austin, Texas, United States

The Jalingo City’s Smart IDP Tracking and Monitoring project, designed and implemented under the tutelage of the National Information Technology Development Agency’s (NITDA’s) Nigeria Smart City Initiatives has won a global recognition.

The project was awarded the Global City Teams Challenge (GCTC) a $10,000 Leadership Prize at the just- concluded Smart City Innovation Summit in Austin, Texas, United States.

The Internet of Things (IoT)-based solution offers hope to thousands of Nigerians displaced in Jalingo, Taraba State with a medium to long term plan to implement the solution throughout the North Eastern region.

The project will also provide more accurate data to government agencies and support groups as well as enable citizens receive quicker and better quality response before, during and after displacements.
The Global City Teams Challenge (GCTC) is a collaborative platform enabling local governments, nonprofits, academic institutions, technologists and private corporations from all over the world to form project teams or “Action Clusters” in order to work on groundbreaking Internet of Things applications within the smart city environment.

Across the country GCTC Action Clusters are working to address the country’smost pressing problems in the areas of transportation, public safety, health, education, waste management, internal revenue collection and so much more.

The Jalingo IoT based IDP Tracking and Monitoring System Action Cluster consists of the NITDA, Hope Afresh Foundation Jalingo, Jalingo Local Government Council, IDEA Hub, Land Gate Consultancy and a host of telecommunications companies in Nigeria.

Source: Guardian

Saturday 16 July 2016

Wate Supply Scheme: Gov Ishaku To Construct Additional Reservoirs

As part of the ongoing search for the source of water that would sufficiently reach all the nooks and crannies of Jalingo metropolis and it environs, additional reservoirs will be constructed by the Taraba State Government to complement the existing ones.

This was revealed by the Taraba State Governor, Arc. Darius Dickson Ishaku during an assessment tour of Mount Jalingo where the state Government is to construct additional reservoirs through SCC, the company handling the Jalingo Primary Water Supply Scheme.

Governor Darius Ishaku said water is a priority for his administration and he is determined to ensure that Jalingo the state capital enjoys steady, pure drinking water at all times, hence the need to assess areas that would be used in making the project a reality.

The Governor stressed that the reservoirs that would be constructed are meant to store more water and to compliment other reservoirs that were constructed by the African Development Bank, (AfDB).

Darius Ishaku maintained that mount Jalingo is strategically located in a vintage part of the state capital with desired height that would be suitable for the construction of additional reservoirs that would facilitate speedy distribution of water.

He disclosed that the new reservoirs that would be constructed by SCC company on top of Mount Jalingo will be artistically designed to serve dual purposes, water and tourist center, adding that, apart from beautifying the town, a restaurant will be built also on top of the mountain which will be used to host visitors whenever they are in the state.

The Governor further said apart from the restaurant, a mini market will be constructed at the foot of Mount Jalingo which would be used to sell locally made crafts as well as the display of locally made fabrics that are worn by different ethnic groups in the state aimed at creating jobs and generating revenue for the state.

Governor Darius Ishaku also mentioned that when the project is completed, efforts would be made to sensitise the populace on the importance of paying water rates.

He stressed that with proper sensitisation, it will be easier to key into it, thereby giving the government the desire to do more for the people.

Corroborating on the Governor’s position, the General Manager of Taraba Water Supply Agency, Engineer Buba Siam, explained that though several boreholes have been sunk in Jalingo during the dry seasons, most of the boreholes rarely meet the water needs of the metropolis.

He announced that at the moment the AfDB in partnership with the Taraba state Government has been working hard to provide water to the state capital with the construction and laying off of over 60 kilometres of water pipelines.

Buba Siam explained that the population of the state is increasing steadily and it has become imperative to scout for additional water sources that will meet the water needs of the increasing population being occasioned by the influx of people because of the peace that is enjoyed in the state capital.

He also said that the 150 kilometres of pipes that are expected to be laid by SCC will increase water supply in the state.

Takum LGA Chairman, Hon Tikari, Lauds Darius Giant Strides In Takum

The Chairman of Takum Local Government Area, Hon. Shiban Tikari has commended Taraba state Governor, Arc. Darius Dickson Ishaku for embarking on projects that will fast track development in the state.

Hon. Shiban Tikari said this recently in Takum in an interview with news men on the landmark contribution made by Governor Ishaku in the past one year as the Governor of Taraba state most especially his country home, Takum.

The new Caretaker Chairman praised the leadership style of Arch. Darius Ishaku which is devoid of any form of sentiment but poised to carry all for the benefit and progress of the state.

He thanked the Governor for the wonderful work he has embarked upon in Takum, saying that, before now, the major road from Katsina Ala to Takum Central Market was an eyesore, and hardly motorable causing untold hardship to motorists and pedestrians most especially in the rainy season.

Shiban Tikari who was full of appreciation, said the road has been tarred thereby giving the town from Katsina Ala and Wukari axis a befitting look and people now ply the road with ease and added that, similar work is ongoing at Abuja road in Anguwan Rogo which is expected to serve as a ring road in Takum.

The Chairman stated that work is almost completed in the mounting and the installation of 7.5KVA transformer in Takum which is to effectively accommodate the two power sources, the 33KVA from Katsina Ala and that of hydropower from Kashimbila Dam, and  pointed out that, very soon, Takum town will have steady power supply from two different sources which will help create job opportunities to citizens of Takum.

Similarly, Hon. Shiban Tikari said very soon, Takum town will also be linked to Kashimbila Dam and the era lack of portable drinking will be a thing of the past, explaining that, the state government has concluded arrangement for the award of contract for the laying of pipes as well as the repairs of broken down water facilities within the Local Government Area.

He said Takum Local Government is a beneficiary of the state of the Art Maternity clinic courtesy of Development Africa, a faith based Christian organization in collaboration with the TY Danjuma Foundation and will be supported by the Taraba state government, and quickly pointed out that, all these good things are happening in Takum because the Governor who has the interest of his people at heart is in charge.

Speaking on security issues, the Chairman said Takum has been experiencing some security problems bothering on armed robbery and occasional kidnapping and commended the Taraba state Governor, Darius Ishaku who in collaboration with security agencies have reduced criminality in the area to the bearest minimum by identifying hotspots that are regularly being used by the criminals and stationed security personnel coupled with regular patrol from the Military.

Shiban Tikari maintained that apart from the incessant robbery which has been minimised, Takum has been enjoying relative peace pointing out that it’s been long that Takum had experienced any form of crisis.

He stated that he will continue to work in partnership with people to sustain the peace which the present administration led by Darius Ishaku has been urging people in the state to give him and thanked the Governor for reinvigorating on the peace and reconciliation committee, averring that it will help reposition the state security wise and pledged his loyalty and that of the entire people of Takum to the success of the Rescue Mission in the state.

Thursday 14 July 2016

Darius With Ogbeh, Minister Of Agric: Working On Agricultural Development Plan For Taraba

Gov. Darius Ishaku and his team paid a courtesy visit at the Ministry of Agriculture. Audu Ogbeh, the minister of Agriculture was on ground to welcome them.

Agricultural development plan for Taraba state and its implementation in order to improve the revenue generated by the Government, was the sole purpose of the visit. Taraba as we know, has a very large land mass with abundance arable lands and no wonder it is refered to as  nature's gift.

Recently, we disclosed that the Goverment putting plan in place to send 100 youths for training in Isreal in the field of agriculture.

Gov Ishaku said his government is planning to diversify more into agriculture to create jobs for people of the state and generate revenue.

Ishaku said “If attention is given to agriculture, the state will generate more revenue than what we are getting at the moment.”

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Saturday 2 July 2016

Gov. Ishaku Focuses On People Oriented Projects, Improves State Economy

Taraba State Governor, Arc. Darius Dickson Ishaku has assured people of the state that he will continue to keep the flag flying in the execution of people oriented projects affirming that he will  strife to carry all along.

Governor Darius Ishaku said this recently in Government House Jalingo when he hosted officials of both Muslim and Christian Associations to a breaking of fast, hence the need to pray fervently within this period for a lasting and enduring peace in the state.

Gov. Darius Ishaku maintained that the reason why he invited the leadership of the two faiths is to further encourage them on the need for peaceful coexistence among the various ethnic groups that belongs to either of the faith, saying that, the reason why the people are seated peacefully is because there is peace in the state and beckoned on the leaders of the two religions to inculcate sound moral values that would engender mutual respect and harmonious interactions.

He however expressed optimism that, with the gradual peace returning to the state it would usher in more development even at a more faster pace and reiterated that he intends to proactively transform the Mambila Beverages Production Company to produce about ten percent tea requirement of the country.

The Governor also informed the gathering that modalities are being worked out for the state to maximally explore other areas such as coffee, palm oil processing and irrigation with special focus on dry season rice farming and regretted that the Taraba State cassava processing plant has not been functional for some time but, reiterated his administration’s determination to as matter of urgency liaise with our partners so that the company will resume production.

Darius Ishaku said other areas that the state government intends to holistically reorganize and re- energise some Ministries for the benefit of the state, which include education, health and the Agricultural sectors, with the aim of making them vibrant more in meeting the needs of the people of the state and quickly pointed out that, though the state is cash trap, is an opportunity to be ingenious and diversify the state revenue sources particularly in mining and agriculture.

Governor Darius Ishaku appreciated the civil servants for their patience, understanding and resilience, explaining that the present salary verification is in the best interest of the state and assured that very soon civil servants in the will have course to rejoice when the exercise is concluded.

He also used the forum to thank the Taraba State House of Assembly and the judiciary for working closely with him and according him the maximum support that has been helping him in piloting the affairs of the state.

The Governor appreciated the two Chairmen, CAN and Muslim councils for their kind words and support and equally recognising the contribution of his wife in the state and assured them that his administration will engage them positively for the overall peaceful and harmonious coexistence of the people of state.

Earlier in his speech, the Chairman of Muslim Council, Alhaji Inuwa Jauro Mafindi commended the state Governor for the successes his administration has so far recorded within the period of one year in office and urged him to continue to do more for the people of the state.

Inuwa Jauro said it was thoughtful of him as the Chief Executive of the state to bring the two religious bodies together during this Ramadan to fraternise with the sole objective of enhancing peace and mutual coexistence in the state and appealed to the Governor to sustain the wonderful initiative, adding, the Muslim Council Chairman also commended the effort of the first lady for working tirelessly to bring succour to women and youths in the state and encouraged her not to relent in the good works that she has started through her foundation, Hope Afresh.

On his part, the CAN Chairman, Rev. Dr. Ben Ube said the emergence of Governor Ishaku as Taraba State Governor was not an accident but God’s design and this has been attested to by the numerous laudable projects that have either been commissioned or are on going and prayed for more peoples oriented projects that will better the lives of Tarabans.

Dr. Ben Ube maintained that the rescue mission is yielding great results and assured the Governor of CAN’s support and that, he shall prevail in all that he ventures into and task the Governor to run an all encompassing administration so that the smiles he has started putting on the faces of people of the state will continue to the end.

Credit: Taravoices

Friday 1 July 2016

Taraba To Access N14.16 Billion FG Loan Facility For More Project Development

The Taraba state Government is set to take a N14.16 Billion Facility under the Federal Government Conditional Budget Support Facility subject to meeting certain conditions, as resolved by the National Economic Council.

A letter sent to the Taraba state House of Assembly by Governor of Taraba state, Arc. Darius Ishaku, dated June 28, 2016, seeking the approval of the House, stated that the ‘state has been formally offered the sum of N14.16 Billion…. and shall be available in three tranches.

According to the letter, the facility was due to the economic meltdown as a result of the fall in the price of crude oil which hampers the ability of states to discharge their responsibilities.

The letter reads:‘The disbursements are conditional upon the initial financial review and the attainment of targets to be outlined in an individually tailored Fiscal Sustainability Plan (FSP).The terms of the Fiscal Sustainability Plan (FSP) were agreed at the National Economic Council Meeting held on May 19,2016.This subsidized interest rate of 9 per cent, one year moratorium and ten year tenure was agreed upon. Repayments have been securitized against future dividends or refunds due from the Federal Government’.

The Speaker, Abel Peter Diah, presided over the plenary and read the letter without any debate.  The governor concluded in the letter that ‘in order to move our state to another level, we need this funding programme.

The consent of the members on the document was sought through a voice vote and by a unanimous consent, the House approved the Facility. The Speaker then directed the Clerk of the House, to communicate the governor on the development.

However, Speaker of the House, Abel Peter Diah, in his remarks, stressed that the Facility was only meant for capital projects and not recurrent expenditure.

Meanwhile, the House has adjourned sitting to July 11, 2016, to enable members celebrate the Sallah.

Wednesday 29 June 2016

DARIUS IS WORKING! Pledges To Boost Tea, Rice Production In Taraba

Gov. Darius Ishaku of Taraba has pledged to continue to support tea and rice farmers in the state in order to boost the production of the two crops.

Ishaku made the pledge on Tuesday evening in Jalingo when he hosted Muslim faithful in the state to a Ramadan breaking of the fast.

The governor told the people to embrace agriculture in order to change a situation where the state was completely dependent on the Federal Government for survival.

"I have already promised President Muhammadu Buhari that Taraba will meet 10 per cent of national tea demand by December 2016 and we are committed to achieving that.
"We have also committed resources to boost rice production and other crops in the state to improve the economy and feed the nation," he said.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) recalls that Ishaku recently inaugurated modern tea processing machines at the Kakara Tea Factory in Sardauna Local Government Area of the state.

He also promised to repair the cassava processing plant which broke down recently in order to encourage massive production of the commodity in the state.

Ishaku told the Muslims faithful in the state to continue to preach peace and live in unity with their neighbours irrespective of their religious affiliations.

In his remarks, Alhaji Inua Mafindi, the state Chairman of Muslim Council, thanked the governor for the gesture, saying it would go a long way in promoting the spirit of oneness among religious groups in the state.

Also, Rev. Ben Ubeh, the state Chairman, Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), urged the people of the state to eschew violence and embrace peace in their communities.

NAN reports that top government functionaries, traditional rulers, representatives of CAN, women groups, organised labour union leaders among others, attended the occasion.

Monday 27 June 2016

DARIUS IS WORKING : He Has Improved Water Sector In Taraba - Barr. Gowon

Governor Darius Dickson Ishaku has been described as a visionary leader who is determined to bring positive changes to the state; especially in the provision of basic social amenities, with key emphasis on the provision of water to the state capital and beyond.

The Commissioner of Water Resources, Barr. Emmanuel Gowon said this recently while speaking to journalists on the successes recorded thus far by the present administration led by Arc. Darius Dickson Ishaku tagged the ‘Rescue Mission,’ in the Ministry of water resources.

Barr. Gowon stated that, Governor Darius Ishaku is a gift to Taraba State and  he is a leader that is poised to bring positive changes to the state, most especially, in areas that will impart positively on the lives of the people and will at the same time fast track socio-economic development of the state, which he has demonstrated variously as the Chief Rescuer.

The Commissioner maintained that for any society to witness rapid development there must water and motorable roads and the present administration has taken it upon itself to provide water to all the nooks and crannies of the state beginning with Jalingo the state capital.

He stressed that work is progressing steadily at different locations with varying levels of completion.

Barr. Gowon further said because of the importance the governor attaches to water, shortly after his inauguration, Governor Darius Ishaku headed to the headquarters of African Development Bank in Abuja,  AFD, where he met with the Board of Directors and new avenues were explored to improve water supply to Jalingo and environs.

He posited that the visit is already yielding results with the expansion of more water transmission lines covering over 61 kilometers, erection of more over head tanks as well as the  construction of more reservoirs in certain locations within the metropolis in order to improved water supply to the state.

Barr. Emmanuel Gowon maintained that since Gov. Darius Ishaku took over the mantle of leadership, the state water supply has improved tremendously and effort has also been intensified to connect all the suburbs within the city center to steady water supply.

Accordingly, the Commissioner maintained that other areas that are also part of the MoU entered into by the state government and African Development Bank included the provision of VIP latrines and sanitation equipment.

He explained that, in the area of sanitation, two trucks that would be used in sanitation exercises have already been received and commissioned by the Governor as part of activities marking his one year in office and were handed over to the Special Adviser on Government Projects and Task Force on Environmental Sanitation with other equipment such as wheel barrows, hand gloves, rakes,sweepers among others.

Similarly, the Commissioner said about 40 urban and semi-urban areas within the state have benefited from the repairs and the reactivation of broken-down water supply schemes as well as the provision of motorised boreholes to boost water supply.

Barr. Gowon stated that within this period, the Taraba State Government fully explored its partnership with Japanese International Cooperation Association JICA, to provide water to all the nooks and crannies of the state, to that effect, about one hundred (100), boreholes have been sunk across sixteen (16) Local Government Areas of the state with some having six (6), while some have seven (7), and explained that Bali local government is the only council in the state that is yet to benefit from the state government partnership with JICA.

Speaking on the acute water shortages in Yorro and Zing, Barr. Gowon explained that because of the peculiarities of the two areas, Governor Ishaku directed the Ministry to look for a reputable contractor that specialises in feasibility study to survey the two areas with a view to finding a lasting solution to the water problems in the two local councils.

He also disclosed that the Chief Rescuer has already directed the Ministry to as a matter of urgency reactivate the two overhead tanks at Monkin and Yakoko and to ensure that water supply is restored to the two communities.

The Commissioner added that water plays a vital role in the transformation of every society and commended Governor Darius Ishaku for placing priority on the provision of water and stressed that, when there is sufficient water to go round all other amenities will also fall in place and reiterated his ministry’s determination to effectively support the initiative of Arc. Darius Dickson Ishaku in the provision of portable drinking water to the people of the state and asserted that the entire staff of the Ministry are on the same page with the Governor in rescuing the state from all ramification.

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