Breaking News

Saturday 10 December 2016

Birthday: Gen T.Y Danjuma, Abonta Of Jukunland @79, Buhari Celebrates Him

President Muhammadu Buhari celebrates with his longtime associate and senior professional colleague, General Theophilus Yakubu Danjuma (rtd), on the occasion of his 79th birthday.

In a statement by his senior special assistant media, Garba Shehu, the President describes General Danjuma as “one of that rare breed of Nigerian leaders, who have consistently proven themselves able and trustworthy in the varying positions they had occupied in government over time.”

He says of the retired General that “Each of the many times he has been called upon to serve Nigeria, both in the military and as a civilian, his performance has been remarkable.”

“President Buhari prays that God will grant General Danjuma many more years of good health and active service to Nigeria, particularly as he oversees the incipient effort to develop the North-east of the country, which has been ravaged by Boko Haram terrorists ” Shehu said.

In the same vein the entire people of Taraba also felicitate with this iconic leader who has brought nothing but honour to the state.

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