Breaking News

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Aisha Alhassan reacts to gender parity bill

Minister of Women Affairs and Social Development, Aisha Alhassan has noted that she received the rejection of the Gender and Equal Opportunities Bill by the senate with mixed feelings. Alhassan said she had hoped for the passage of the bill because it would have helped women make a significant leap in the advancement of Nigeria.

“I received with mixed feelings, the news of the rejection of the proposed Gender and Equal Opportunities Bill by the Nigerian Senate. The bill if passed would have addressed discriminatory practices against women, especially in the areas of access to education, female entrepreneurship development, participation in governance and decision making, protection against violence, etc,” she said.

She added that: “We had hoped that with its passage Nigeria would have made a significant leap in the advancement of women, in conformity with UN Conventions, and other related instruments on the rights and development of women.
“However, with due respect to religious and cultural sensitivities, we believe that the bill will be represented to the Senate, as soon as all contentious areas are addressed.”

Alhassan who contested as governorship candidate of APC in Taraba and lost said: “Let me assure you, therefore, that the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development will always, do its best to promote the protection of Nigerian women against violence and all forms of abuse and stereotypes, and promote the sustainable development and growth of Nigerian women.

“As a nation, we cannot afford to neglect the women who constitute about half of our population if we are to make any meaningful development. The Gender and Equal Opportunities Bill is therefore crucial to the attainment of Sustainable Development and growth of the Nigerian Women. We will continue to urge the Nigerian Senate to reconsider its position to ensure a speedy passage of the bill when it is represented.”

Source : pmnews

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